Strategies For Growth

20May 2015

Whether you think the economy is still screwed up, or you think we’re moving towards another golden era in business—one thing is clear: the current changes in the market place have made it tougher than ever for a business to survive, much less thrive. I recently had a conversation with a colleague, discussing significant changes […]

06May 2015

Business disruption happens when maintaining the status quo is not a viable strategy. In other words, what worked before is no longer working. And if you don’t make some changes to how you do business, you’re going to suffer the consequences. One of the biggest disruptors today is declining customer loyalty. According to many sources, […]

06May 2015

As I mentioned in my last article, most people who claim to have a 95% close rate are either stretching the truth or using some slick sales language. However, your chances of a higher close rate will be greatly increased by implementing a well thought-out, well-executed Referral Partner Cultivation Process (RPCP). Again, finding the right […]

07Jan 2015

Goal-setting seems to get so much of the glory these days–widely acclaimed as the cornerstone activity of success. Of course, naming a goal is the first step towards achieving results–and enough cannot be said for making a goal SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time Bound). However, as powerful as the goal-setting process might be, it […]