Time Savers

15Sep 2015

The most common complaint I hear from my clients and colleagues is, “I wish I had more time!” There are many reasons for this. We commit ourselves to an inordinate amount of tasks, and end up with way more on our plates than we can handle. We allow our co-workers to distract us from staying focused on […]

16Jun 2015

This article is dedicated to all those people who planned the perfect day only to have it go completely off the rails. Here is a simple productivity hack to gain back what’s rightfully YOURS: Time to do what wanted to do in the first place. It happens to all of us at some point. You’re […]

01Oct 2014

At one of my recent speaking engagements on time-saving strategies, I found myself (ironically) spending WAY too much time offering every possible tip, technique, strategy, and system known to man, when an audience member thankfully interrupted me with a question that cut to the chase: “Chris, what are the top 5 strategies YOU employ on a regular basis […]

04Jun 2014

A month ago, I confessed. I admitted my social media addiction and pledged to do something about it. You can check out how I created some much-needed boundaries here. The good news is that I was successful. My goal was to limit my social media interface to 30 minutes a day for the past month. […]

13Nov 2013

By Guest Blogger: Erin Podbielniak of theneatniche.com    November already? When did that happen? Regardless of whether you’re ready or not, the holidays are coming – fast. Who has time for overtime? We certainly don’t! That’s why last month we addressed ways to improve productivity by making our work spaces look and feel comfortable and inviting. […]