Time Savers

12Dec 2012

Getting distracted is all part of living in this great modern world of ours. We either distract ourselves or we allow ourselves to get distracted. Think about it – smartphones, facebook, texting, even Angry Birds get us off track…HELLLLPPPP!  In the simple words of the wise Mr. Miyagi most of us “Need More Focus!”  Here […]

22Aug 2012

Remember when a phone was something jacked into a wall? You picked it up and sound would come through one end and you spoke into the other? How perfect, how quaint, how…primitive! Now it’s a tool for email, text, streaming videos, photos, and more. With everything your device can do now, it’s hard to put […]

01Aug 2012

Is procrastination holding you back? Here are 10 powerful ways to overcome the “put-it-off-until-tomorrow” bug: Do something small to get started. Gather all the materials or work tools needed to do the task. Start your day with the most unpleasant task first. Set aside 15 minutes today to work on your project. Think how you […]