Classic stopwatchWhat can you do in less than 10 minutes? Drink a cup of coffee? Walk to the end of your street? Read through a few emails? How about doing something that pinpoints EXACTLY where to spend your time and energy for the day? Here is a simple technique that will unlock your ability to be more focused and productive.

Asking the right question can prime your brain to think in a particular way based on the mood, attitude, or thought that the question provokes. This ultimately can affect the decisions and actions you take throughout your day, i.e. the things you “do.” By asking yourself a few well-placed, powerful questions, the trajectory of your day can change for the better. This exercise is particularly effective when you do it first thing in the morning, and it only takes 10 minutes. Here’s how:

Write down the following questions on a pad of paper and place it on your nightstand before you go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes to write down your answers. The first couple of times you do this, it might seem simplistic, but you’ll be surprised to find that this process can actually change your attitude and how you approach things throughout your day.

Here are the questions with some sample answers. (Note: You come up with your own answers.)

What should be the primary focus for my time and energy today?

  • Finalizing a business proposal.
  • Getting the house ready for a party we’re having this weekend.
  • Working on my relationship with ________ .

What is the ONE thing I am most looking forward to doing today?

  • Date night with my wife.
  • See my daughter’s first smile of the day.
  • An important client meeting with ___________ .

What is ONE thing I MUST accomplish today, even if my day blows up?

  • Work out for 30 minutes.
  • Make 15 sales calls.
  • Write an article.

What simple act of kindness can I offer to enrich someone’s life today?

  • Invite a new employee out to lunch.
  • Deliver homemade bread to my neighbor.
  • Go fishing with my grandson.

What is ONE thing I can do just for myself today—to recharge my batteries?

  • Go for a walk in the park.
  • Enjoy a glass of wine on the deck at 4:00.
  • Read a chapter of my book before I go to bed.

These particular questions prime you to consider and focus on different aspects of your life, career, and relationships. Feel free to come up with your own unique questions to impact other areas of your life. Remember, it’s best to do this exercise when you first wake up in the morning and see how it shapes your mood, your outlook, and your productivity for the entire day. It might feel a little weird at first, but give it a try! It only takes 10 minutes, and it works.

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