Happiness and Authenticity

21Jan 2015

Be BAD is a philosophy I shared this past week with an out-of-state client whom I’ll call Jerri. Jerri was basically driving herself crazy trying to create her business goals for 2015. Going through the standard list of concerns for business owners, she identified things like increasing her social media presence, offering new products and […]

21May 2014

Yesterday, I went to a funeral of a man I’ve never met. I arrived early and sat alone in the church pew waiting for the service to begin, watching photos of his life flash across a large monitor. Pictures of him as a young man serving during the Korean Conflict, pictures with his high school […]

21May 2014

While I’m sure we’d all agree that seminars, workshops, and online courses are great resources for acquiring skills and techniques for increasing our productivity, the cost and time commitment can often render these options prohibitive; that leaves us to search for something that is both cost-effective and doesn’t take a lot of time. Here’re 6 […]

23Apr 2014

I had a speaking engagement a few days ago, and the topic was: “How to shave 5 hours off your work week.” My talk was part of an interactive workshop that covered items such as making effective to-do lists, and conquering time-sucking email. After my talk, one of the participants asked me a thought provoking question, “After […]