Happiness and Authenticity

24Sep 2012

As Chris, my business partner, and his wife Amanda are just hours away from bringing their daughter into the world, it’s a great time to reflect on our loved ones and how they enrich our lives. Sure, our families have their special blend of dysfunction, drama and dilemmas; but our families also shape who we […]

19Sep 2012

A few benefits of creating good relationships both in your business and personal world include loyalty, connectivity, recommendations, respect, and admiration.  One thing that will help deepen any relationship is being perceived as someone who is positive and upbeat.  What I really want to emphasize is the perception of being genuinely positive. Think about it? […]

05Sep 2012

Let’s face it, some people have it and some people don’t. And while you can get it (and we’ll share how), some people never will. Or maybe you lost it like Austin Powers. The French call it joie de vivre. Some people say it’s living large or being in that all-desired sweet spot. But “getting […]