Let’s face it, at Refuse Ordinary, our goal is to rattle cages. We want to shake people out of their status quo lives, lives that are best described as “good enough.” So how can you have a remarkable life? Here are 10 qualities that you will want to embrace.

  1. Ignore boundaries. It’s easy to put yourself or others in a box. It’s how we define things. Boxes are for packing things, not for living. Look for ways to open yourself up to new ideas and shake the shackles of conformity.
  2. Be bold. In other words, be a bit eccentric, a bit brazen and a bit out-there. Don’t worry about fitting in. Instead push the envelope. Those who blend in are not the ones who make the history books. Live a life worth reading about, even if your story is never written.
  3. Be passionate. Little of substance is created without passion. Find what you are passionate about and give it your heart and soul.
  4. Seek adventure. You can live a comfortable life doing the same things over and over, or you can learn more about yourself and the world by engaging in one adventure after another. Find ways to explore and discover.
  5. Think deeply. Take the time to understand things at a deeper level. In other words, learn to exercise the ability to think critically. Then use your skills to make better decisions, educate others and make more meaningful contributions.
  6. Have a purpose. You can have an amazing life, but it will fall short without a purpose. Dream big and you will live a life of meaning and purpose. Determine your vision and attack it with gusto.
  7. Live in the moment. As important as it is to shoot for something bigger and plan for the future, you can’t lose sight of the present. Be mindful and practice the art of living in the moment. Take full advantage of the opportunities that are in your hands right now.
  8. Be thankful. Take the time to appreciate and be grateful. Every day, you have blessings. Let others know how much they mean to you and soak in the richness of every day life with a sense of gratitude and wonder.
  9. Grow. Find ways to continually grow and improve. Be a life-long learner and find ways to continue to stretch your knowledge, skills and abilities. Being the best is a benchmark for defining your own success.
  10. Make a difference. The real measure of a successful life is not what you did for yourself, but what you did for others. How can you make a difference? What’s your legacy going to be? At the end of it all, did your life matter?
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