Signs Warning of Approaching CurveThe pressure mounts all day long to go faster and faster. Little phrases become all too familiar, crank that report out before 8:30, spend less time talking, spend more time doing, get to that meeting early, have those numbers on my desk by yesterday, can you get to the store before it closes. As you frantically walk in the door, don’t forget to get that power walk in before you eat dinner.  GO-GO GOOOOOOOOOOO!  All the while there is that little voice inside your head saying “Hey buddy, don’t you want to slow down a bit?”  Unfortunately for some of us (myself included), that little voice gets told to shut up because we have important stuff to do!

Working hard, being efficient, and having a very productive day might make you feel like you are getting somewhere in your life but what about making time to deliberately slow down during your day? Wouldn’t it be nice to catch your breath, even for a moment? You are only on this earth a limited amount of time and you cannot create more hours in your day. Most folks are looking for ways to save time during the day.  However, there are a few that would give anything to have the time to slow down.  Instead of thinking about “having” the time perhaps it’s really about “taking” the time?  Below are four easy ways to pump the breaks on your fast-paced life throughout your day.

Tip # 1 – In the morning

When you are hurrying to get out the door and get to work on time, the last thing you are thinking about is slowing down.  In fact, most people are running late and wild eyed when they hit the office door. Take the pressure off by giving yourself some down time right off the bat – wake up a little earlier.  Sleep is precious, but consider waking up about 15 minutes earlier.  Take the time to slow down and have a cup of coffee or tea.  Better yet, how about a simple breakfast at the table.  If you have a significant other, see if you can spend that 15 minutes enjoying each other’s company and ask the question, “What are you looking forward to doing today?” This simple act can really have a huge impact on how your day starts.

Tip # 2- Lunch time

Lunch time is one of my favorite times to slowdown. If you have had a really tough day and the weather is nice, have lunch outside.  Find a bench or a quiet place and make yourself at home.  If you can’t get outside, find a place with a window.  With either option quiet your mind and take in all the things you see while you are enjoying your lunch. If you like being around people, see if you can strike up a conversation with someone. Ask your lunch companion about their last vacation or take the time to learn a little bit about them.  As a challenge, see if you can avoid talking about work.

Tip #3 – In the evening

After a hard day at work, it’s sometimes hard to slow down.  Even a well-deserved workout might actually ramp you right back up.  An easy way to come down is to put in those ear buds and listen to some quiet music. I personally like classical or some soft jazz. If you like to get outside, take a slower than normal-paced walk. Sometimes you can make the experience even better and more meaningful if you walk with a loved one. It’s okay to talk about work for a little while particularly if you are interested in how their day went.  After a few minutes see if you can slowly turn the conversion away from work and focus your conversation on things that you enjoy.

Tip #4 – Before you go to bed

Reading a book or writing in a journal can help empty your head and can also have the added benefit of putting you in a good mood. Be mindful of the type of book you are reading.  Do you feel relaxed after you read it?  If you don’t, you may want to consider switching authors or genres.  Journals also have the capacity to help you unwind by getting things off your chest. Here is an easy way to slow down in order to take an inventory of your thoughts at the end of the day:

  • What was hands-down the best part of my day?
  • What are 3 things I am truly grateful for at this moment?
  • What are 3 things I am really looking forward to tomorrow?

There are many other ways to slow down during your day that can have wonderful benefits as well.  If the four tips I gave you are wetting your appetite, try exploring other methods like focused breathing, different types of meditation, or various yoga practices.  Life is way too short to blow through it. Taking just a few minutes a day to slow down a bit can recharge your batteries, refresh your outlook on life, and it can actually help you live longer.

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