shutterstock_157219337Do you want to beat your competition out of the gate in 2016? Do you want to keep them at bay while you shore up more business for the coming year? I want to share something that you can do that they can’t. That’s right! Your competition can’t do this and that’s the beauty of this strategy. Furthermore, if you do it right, it will be key to your future success.

In a study done by echannel in 2013, 70% of companies surveyed said it was cheaper to retain a customer than acquire a new one. We’ve heard the conventional wisdom before that keeping customers is easier than finding them.

Now let’s connect the dots. What is one thing you have that your competition does not? Your customers.

So what can you do with your customers NOW to secure you share a future together? It’s the perfect time to schedule an annual meeting with your clients. While you should be communicating thoroughly throughout the year, the value of a sit-down meeting at year’s end is invaluable for cementing relationships, sharing concerns, offering insights, adding value and securing future business.

I just had annual visits with four of my biggest clients in the last 10 days. They have been working with me anywhere from three to 12 years each. The reason they continue to work with me year after year is because they value what I bring to the table and the results I help their teams achieve.

Part of that value is communicated in my annual visits when I review what has been done, the results achieved and the lessons learned from our work together in the past year. The discussion includes what ‘s been working well, as well as areas we can tweak or change to make improvements. This discussion naturally transitions into new programming to consider in the coming year so we can build on our past successes. I go to these meetings prepared to share different options that I’ve outlined that have been customized specifically for them. I am able to offer insights and value based on what has worked for other clients and what are natural progressions for them. We spend time discussing and collaborating to tweak these options even further. This process not only secures buy-in, it results in further improvements and positive refinements.

The beauty of this approach is I continue to build a true partnership with my clients and we are able to collaborate together to create engaging programming that yield strong results. It also means that I’ve cemented more loyalty with my clients that my competition can’t penetrate.

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