I’ll admit it. I’m a self-help JUNKIE. It’s true. I’ve always been that way. Luckily for me, learning is an occupational benefit. The more I know, the better resource I can be to my clients. I’m reminded of one of my favorite quotes from Confucious, “He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”

So naturally, I’m a big reader. I read non-fiction. I read self-help books. I study ways to do things better and ways to be better. I’m fascinated by humans and how we both celebrate and sabotage our existence. I love to read about business, whether it’s marketing or leadership or some other aspect of organizational behavior. And I love to look at personal development. No matter the topic, the deeper you dive, the more you see and learn. But more importantly, the more you read, the better you understand complex topics, subtle nuances and the essence of what you are studying.

I’ve heard a famous quote before (and I’m am paraphrasing) that there are two ways that your life is changed. It’s through books and people. I would say there is a third way, which is through your experiences (which may not include either of the other two). Regardless, books can be eye-opening. A good book will make you think. Perhaps inspire you to take action. A great book will change your life.

While there are many books that inspire and educate, far fewer measure up to be real life-changers. But they are out there like gold nuggets to be found buried along the creek beds. You simply have to sift through all of the stuff that is hiding them from view.

Recently, I read a book that I believe could be the BIGGEST life changer of all for me. In other words, of all the books I’ve read, I’m not sure that any one book can touch this one. It’s already dramatically impacted my behavior. And it’s only been three weeks. The surprising thing is that the subject of the book is not one which would typically be on my reading list, even though the topic is of interest to me.

Before I do my BIG reveal…what’s the one book that has changed your life the most? Please share. I’ll pick one of the responses from our RefuseOrdinary facebook page (from our “Liked” friends…yes, this is a shameless way to get you to “like” us if you haven’t already) and I will send you a copy of my favorite book. So share your big book-find on facebook and check in next week for the name of my book that could change your life!  (One note, please provide a name of a book besides The Holy Bible. I’m not intending to underestimate the value or impact of The Holy Bible, but I’d like to see the wide range of books that people have been impacted by that others may not  have heard of or read. That and the fact that I think Jesus would crush the competition.)



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