Thanks: To express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment

Give: To present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; to bestow; to impart

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Whether you believe the first one occurred in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621, Jamestown, Virginia in 1609, or Roanoke Island, North Carolina in 1586, it doesn’t matter. The essence of each of those first “Thanksgivings” was to be grateful for someone lending you a helping hand in a time of need. Whether it was a well-overdue supply ship or your native neighbors that helped you out, you decided to throw a big party for the sole purpose of saying, “Hey, thanks! I really appreciated your help and still do; I’m not sure what would have happened if you didn’t take the time to help me out in my time of need.”

Today, there are many reasons to celebrate Thanksgiving. I would like to focus on being grateful for those who have offered a helping hand and made a difference in our lives. Here are some of the moments I’m grateful for. Enjoy:

  • I am grateful that my grandfather took me in the woods when I was a child to teach me about nature. (I love walking through the woods with my daughter now.)
  • I’m grateful that my 2nd Grade teacher took me under her wing when I was falling behind in school. (She kept me focused and learning when I could have been frustrated and shut down.)
  • I’m thankful my father encouraged me to sell corn on the side of the road in 1982. (It was my first entrepreneurial experience.)
  • I’m grateful for the doctors who took care of me after a horrible car crash (I came away with a broken leg, but I can still walk.)
  • I’m grateful for making friends with the dean of Natural Sciences and getting the keys to the building to study after hours. (This allowed me to graduate with high honors.)
  • I’m thankful my then-future wife was there for me when my Mom passed. (This was when we really began to know each other.)
  • I’m so grateful our child picked my wife and me as parents.

I am grateful. I am thankful. I am appreciative of all of the people that have changed my life!

Now it’s your turn. Regardless of your situation, what are seven big moments in your life when someone extended you a helping hand or had a positive impact on your life and expected nothing in return?

Happy Thanksgiving!


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