Today is one of those great rainy Sundays. The kind that are made for being lazy in bed or relaxing with the Sunday paper.

But I woke up with a sense of urgency. Since I’m only in Richmond, Virginia for a few more days before I pack my car to relocate to San Francisco, I have a lot of sorting, packing and clutter removal to attend to. Granted, the heavy work was done when I sold and moved out of my house a few months ago. Yet, as I look around at what I still have, there is more to be done.

I opened a small box. Inside were some photos of me and some of my fraternity brothers taken approximately 32 years ago. And there was a very yellowed clipping that had been neatly placed among the sorted artifacts. It read:

“It’s the heart afraid of breaking,

that never takes a chance.

It’s the dream afraid of waking,

that never learns to dance.

It’s the one who won’t be taken,

who cannot learn to give.

And the soul afraid of dying,

who never learns to live.”

Timely when I clipped it out of a paper as a young man getting ready to graduate from college and start my adult life. And just as timely as I embark on the next leg of my journey over three decades later. Happy Sunday!


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