This morning, I woke up to discover that we were out of coffee. This is a dire situation for me because I am instantly transformed into The Hulk when I don’t have my morning coffee. So there was no option. A quick trip to the grocery store during morning rush hour was required. As I was stopped at an intersection, I noticed a big yellow box on wheels, flashing its red lights and slowing down to pick up its daily load of kids–and I remembered: “Ahhh… It’s Back-to-School time!” And then I got to thinking: “What would it be like to go back to school, now that I’m an adult? That could be really cool! But…no. It’s not really feasible for me right now. The time commitment would be prohibitive. And then, of course, there’s the money issue. Right—continuing ed. ain’t cheap. I suppose I’d consider it if I could do it for say …under 25 bucks. Hmmmmmmmm…”

School is where kids go to learn new things. Some kids really love learning, but most kids would probably choose to stay home and play video games if given a choice. Kids, however, are required to go to school whether they like it or not! As adults, we have a choice, but sometimes it’s not an easy one. Given the time constraints and obligations of adulthood, we don’t always have the luxury of investing huge chunks of time and money towards it. Take me as an example. My life is nuts right now, and I’m certainly not in a position to take out a 100 K loan and start brushing up on my LSAT’s and MCAT’s. At this point, if I’m going to invest in continuing my education, I’ll need some cost-effective/time-effective options.

Of course, there are some wonderful options out there for adult learners. You can take a few classes at a local college, you can invest in working towards a certification or designation, and you can even browse the web and enroll in an online course and take it in the comfort of your home. All of these options are great, but they can be pricey, and we’re shooting for under 25 bucks!

So here’s a great solution that fits the bill. With the advent of the search engine, it’s absolutely mind-boggling how you can gain unlimited access to top notch experts in every field of study known to man in the form of books. My wife, Amanda, and I love to read self-help and business books. We break them down into two categories: Ah-Ha and Rah-Rah.

Ah-Ha books are chock full of fact-based research, outlines, and how-to applications. They’re great for folks who really like the exploration as well as the explanation of a topic.

Rah-Rah books, on the other hand, are inspiring and motivating. They may not give you a bunch of facts and figures, but the further you get into the book, the more fired-up you get. As an added bonus, the authors often provide simple tools for taking action. Amanda and I consume these books a little differently:

Amanda really likes to hold the physical book in her hands so she can highlight, ear-mark, and write all over it. I, on the other hand, have the attention span of a squirrel, and so reading a book requires way too much focus. Fortunately, there’s now a great option for people like me: .  You can download audible books to your smartphone and listen to them while mowing the lawn, going on a walk, or sitting by yourself on the deck. You can even pause the book and type in a little note if you want to bookmark a section.

Amanda and I choose books specifically for improving our respective businesses or the quality of our lives. We wanted to share a few of our favorites with you today. Here they are:

Ah-Ha’s Books:

59 Seconds, by Richard Wiseman – For those of you who are skeptical but interested in self-help, this book is for you! It is full of research supported facts and practical exercises.

The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg – If you want to understand the “How” and the “Why” behind habits. It’s great if you want to uncover or create habits for yourself and the people you work with.

Manage Your Day-to-Day, by Jocelyn K. Glei – Do you want to stop doing busy work and start doing your best work? This book is a great spin on time management!

Rah-Rah Books:

Start, by Jon Acuff – Too much going on, too late, too soon…what’s your reason for not chasing your “Awesome?”  It’s time to punch fear in the face, escape average, and do work that matters.

The Charge, by Brendon Burchard- Get more out of your life and career by discovering the 10 drives. It’s an easy read and includes great exercises that get you pumped up again.

Three Feet from Gold, by Greg Reid and Sharon Lechter – Are you working hard and just not getting anywhere? Are you frustrated that you haven’t been discovered? Learn how to do something about it (based on the principles of Napoleon Hill).

And if you like other topics such as: influencing people, social media, or making definitive choices and taking action, check out RefuseOrdinary’s Top 12. AND, we want to hear about your “Back to School” recommendations! Scroll down to the bottom of this article and leave a few suggestions for a good read. Remember, make sure it’s under 25 bucks!


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