
01Oct 2013

Consider this scenario. At the end, there is a useful question to ask that can help solve this person’s quandary. Sarah is the owner of a wildly-successful, 25 year-old structural engineering firm based in Boston. Her buildings are so amazing they’ve been featured in many popular engineering magazines and journals. What sets Sarah’s business apart […]

07Nov 2012

Last week, I gave you a different way to visualize your future goals by focusing on the process of getting to that lofty goal rather than solely focusing on achieving it.  At the end of that process, you should have successfully teased out 3-5 milestones. This week, you’ll learn how to make this stuff happen […]

01Nov 2012

I have researched, read and used a lot of different strategies over the years to help folks and organizations get to where they want to go. New findings and techniques bring up two key points that make a huge impact when folks approach visioning and goal setting:  1) Keeping the end in mind DOESN’T always […]

28Mar 2012

Prioritizing is determining what needs to get done and in what order. Your priorities should be items that come directly from your goals. Here are some ideas to help you stay focused on your most important tasks. 1. Use the Pareto Principle. This is the same as the 80/20 rule. Recognize that 20% of your […]