
19Sep 2012

A few benefits of creating good relationships both in your business and personal world include loyalty, connectivity, recommendations, respect, and admiration.  One thing that will help deepen any relationship is being perceived as someone who is positive and upbeat.  What I really want to emphasize is the perception of being genuinely positive. Think about it? […]

22Aug 2012

Remember when a phone was something jacked into a wall? You picked it up and sound would come through one end and you spoke into the other? How perfect, how quaint, how…primitive! Now it’s a tool for email, text, streaming videos, photos, and more. With everything your device can do now, it’s hard to put […]

28Mar 2012

Prioritizing is determining what needs to get done and in what order. Your priorities should be items that come directly from your goals. Here are some ideas to help you stay focused on your most important tasks. 1. Use the Pareto Principle. This is the same as the 80/20 rule. Recognize that 20% of your […]

03Mar 2012

If you want to accomplish more without working longer hours, you have to increase your productivity. It’s that simple. Here are four easy steps you can implement immediately: 1. Set clear goals and objectives in writing. That’s right; you need to get your goals in writing. Commit to determining exactly what needs to get done […]