Coaching Training & Supporting

02Nov 2016

It’s a huge opportunity. You’ve spent hours and hours preparing to deliver a presentation at your industry conference. Will this set you up as an expert and lead to lots of business opportunities? Or will this just be a big time-suck that distracts you from other important work tasks? The answer to these questions lies […]

14Oct 2015

I love the fact that my personal and business lives intersect around limit-busting. With the business training, development and coaching work that I do, I usually have to do some mind excavation with my clients as a prelude for more breakthroughs. It’s often subtle (they don’t always realize it’s happening because I’m using secret “Jedi” […]

14Oct 2015

I was having coffee this morning and enjoying the sunrise. My mind was quieter than usual (because the house was quieter than usual). And I was thinking about Will Turner who recently completed his first Double Ironman. (That’s basically swimming, running, and biking for 33 hours straight!) I was marveling—not only at his physical stamina and […]

06May 2015

Business disruption happens when maintaining the status quo is not a viable strategy. In other words, what worked before is no longer working. And if you don’t make some changes to how you do business, you’re going to suffer the consequences. One of the biggest disruptors today is declining customer loyalty. According to many sources, […]