Bolder and Better

12Jan 2016

We all know that there are things we can do everyday to be performing better. Sometimes, however, it’s hard to do them. Here are five random thoughts and what you can do to make big changes this year. Thought #1  Modern-day distractions can keep us from really connecting with each other. We are losing the […]

14Oct 2015

I love the fact that my personal and business lives intersect around limit-busting. With the business training, development and coaching work that I do, I usually have to do some mind excavation with my clients as a prelude for more breakthroughs. It’s often subtle (they don’t always realize it’s happening because I’m using secret “Jedi” […]

21Jan 2015

Be BAD is a philosophy I shared this past week with an out-of-state client whom I’ll call Jerri. Jerri was basically driving herself crazy trying to create her business goals for 2015. Going through the standard list of concerns for business owners, she identified things like increasing her social media presence, offering new products and […]