
21Jan 2015

It’s that time of the year when top-level executives are setting bold goals and implementing strategies for a successful year. Consequently, I’ve been talking to a lot of clients lately about business disruptors; you know those pesky things that seem to block, change and disrupt the status quo and can create a formidable roadblock to […]

21Jan 2015

Be BAD is a philosophy I shared this past week with an out-of-state client whom I’ll call Jerri. Jerri was basically driving herself crazy trying to create her business goals for 2015. Going through the standard list of concerns for business owners, she identified things like increasing her social media presence, offering new products and […]

07Jan 2015

Goal-setting seems to get so much of the glory these days–widely acclaimed as the cornerstone activity of success. Of course, naming a goal is the first step towards achieving results–and enough cannot be said for making a goal SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time Bound). However, as powerful as the goal-setting process might be, it […]

29Oct 2014

Last week, I discussed how staying in your comfort zone for an extended period of time is a sure-fire way to stagnate, both personally and professionally. I identified speaking engagements as a perfect vehicle for branching out because it boosts personal confidence and establishes you (within the business community) as a person of expertise in […]