ROG-LetGoOfYourLimitsThere are those who are in and those who are out. There are those who do and those who don’t. There are those who push limits and those who are content in the land of status quo. Where are you?

You may even think to yourself that you want to push limits but you find yourself living in the land of status quo. Why is that? It’s familiar. It’s comfortable. It’s easy. It’s safe. And it’s where most people hang out…so you have lots of familiar company. But is it right for you? And how can you tell if it’s time to shake things up a bit?

Here are some questions you need to honestly answer?

  • When was the last time you felt alive? Really alive? What were you doing?
  • When was the last time you did something new? Was it exciting or scary? Or both?
  • When was the last time you really pushed your limits?
  • If you discovered your time was limited, would you be content with what you’ve done in your life? Or would you regret things undone?
  • Are you bored? Is your life predictable and more of “just getting by” from week to week?
  • Do you want a life of same ol’ same ol’ or a life of awesome?

No doubt, you know I am very biased in the “in or out” debate. But that is because I’m very passionate about people finding their passion and using it to live an inspired life of awesomeness…sweet, dreamy awesomeness. I want you to jump “in” and stretch yourself, even if you’re scared to death. Maybe, it’s easier for me. Maybe, I am more of a risk taker. Maybe I’ve lived longer and am further on my journey so I benefit from a middle-aged perspective. Or maybe I have more faith in you than you have in yourself. But I can’t help but wonder, “What are you waiting for?”

To escape the land of status quo, you first have to want to. You have to see that by cranking up the volume, you will have a richer and more meaningful life. And let me be clear, I know that many of you are doing this already (and I commend you and celebrate what you are doing); but can you do more? I know I can. Despite our efforts of last month or last week, there are always new ways to push the awesome frontier. New ways to engage, to make a difference and learn who we are meant to be.

If jumping into awesome gives you a little anxiety, you can start by making small changes and different choices. Let’s look at some of your choices. Read a book or watch TV? Which one has the potential to lead to more awesomeness? Run on the treadmill at the gym or hit the trails? Which one will be a more expansive experience? Engage face-to-face with someone or bury yourself in your Smartphone? Which one has the higher likelihood of making a difference in your life? Put your heart into your work or community project or just do enough to get by? Which one is for you?

So here’s a question to keep in mind as you go through your day, “What can I do now that would make this time or activity more awesome?” And then with time, you can start to expand your vision.  What can I do this week that would be really cool and out of my normal day-to-day experience? Which leads to…what can I do this year that would be an amazing way to enrich my life (and the life of others)? Which leads to… what can I do to live a passionate and awesome life and realize my true calling and potential?

Baby steps, big steps…whatever you are ready to make. But be mindful that the clock is ticking and with each tick there is a choice you are making. Same ol’ same ol’ or sweet, dreamy awesomeness.






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