Do you fritter away time? Five minutes here, ten minutes there. If you’re like most folks, there are countless times in your day where you have a few minutes. You’re at work and you have a few minutes before that next call or meeting. So you jump on facebook or do some mindless web browsing. And what about those times throughout your day when you’re stuck waiting and you find yourself mindlessly scrolling down your smartphone?

What if, instead of frittering away those minutes, you did something more productive? Here is a list of 10 things you can do to amp up your productivity, change your mood or simply recharge when you only have a few minutes:

  1. Keep a reading stash readily available. Whether it’s a file of articles that you’ve been meaning to get to or a book that you are interested in, have a “go to” reading plan to fill those voids.
  2. Post in your journal. Oh, you don’t have one… Well, get one silly. A journal can be a great way to express yourself, give thoughtful consideration to the things that are going on in your life.
  3. Call someone. Whether it’s a client, vendor, friend or family member; staying connected and building deeper relationships to others is always a good use of a few minutes.
  4. Create a list. It could be a list of things you want to do after work or for your next big project. A list can help clarify what you can do and get you excited about moving forward.
  5. Get up and move. If you sit at desk most of the day, the simple act of moving your body can bring offer both physical and psychological benefits. Simply get up and go for a five-minute walk to reenergize your body and spirit.
  6. Smile. Sit there for a minute or two or three and simply smile. The research confirms that when we do that, we start to change. We start to feel better and more optimistic. Certainly not a bad way to interrupt your day!
  7. Organize. Do you have a pile of files that need sorting or a stack of mail to go through? Getting organized provides clarity and gives you a sense of control so you can focus on your more important tasks for the day.
  8. Prioritize. You likely have plenty on your list. Is it prioritized? Always ask yourself, “If I can only get one more thing done today, what would it be?” Make that your #1 priority. When that is complete, come up with your next most important task for completion. In just a couple minutes, you can rank your entire list and feel even better as you check off the items throughout the day.
  9. Breathe. Using breath to relax and focus is a great way to bring focus and clarity to your day, particularly if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Take a few minutes to practice mindfulness. Relax, focus on your breath and re-center yourself before that next meeting or phone call.10. Think. Yep, when all else fails – think.
  10. Think about what is the most important (notice that I didn’t say “most urgent”) thing you can do today and how can you make sure you get it done.
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