frustratedHave you ever notice those people that just love their job?  I mean truly love their job; they’re upbeat, passionate and seem as if they were born to do what they do.  Then there are the other people; constantly assessing their career, wondering when it will get better. Finally, they gain the courage to ask themselves “Am I in the right job?”  Which of these two scenarios is yours?

Finding that perfect job can be an endless quest.  Some have had a perfect job and lost it for one reason or another.  Some were seeking that perfect job, landed it, and found out it wasn’t what it was cracked up to be.  Even fewer have found their calling – that career that fills them up and makes them whole.  That is the “Holy Grail” of dream jobs.  I have been in all of these scenarios and experienced the spectrum of emotions including enduring countless sleepless nights and blissful days.  I wanted to share lessons that some very wise individuals imparted to me along my journey along with some additional insights from the school of hard knocks. Maybe some of these thoughts and questions can help you decide if you are in the right job and what you can do to improve and change your situation.

It will work out tomorrow – right?

Do you find yourself waiting for things outside of your control to line up just right at work? Are you saying “Things will just get better when…”?  What would happen if things don’t or can’t change? What can you do to have a direct impact on changing these things for the better? What can you do right now?

Same problem, different place?

Do you find yourself in the same role for a different company and keep finding yourself frustrated. How can changing your approach to these frustrations (including your mindset) help?

What does your gut say?

What really got you excited about your current job before you started it? What were your reservations? Now that you’re in the job, what has changed? What has remained the same?

Are you growing?

What are the opportunities in your job to develop in the areas you really have interest and talent? What would happen if you had a conversation with someone that could potentially create pathways for you?

Track it

What insight could you gain if you kept a journal of the activities that you enjoy both inside and outside of work? What insight could you gain about the things you tend to avoid or dislike?

80/20 rule (with a spin)

What percentage of your day do you spend on the things you enjoy and show proficiency?  What percentage do you not enjoy? What can you do differently to get your enjoyment to a least 50%? What would your job look if you could get it to 80%?

Ask around

What people and resources do you have available to you that might help you? Can you delegate, create or take on more of the things that really fulfill you at work?

Eureka moment

What tweaks to your current job could you make that would make all the difference? What can you do to make it happen? If you are still hitting a wall, what are other careers out there that could be a potential better fit? If you looked around and can’t find anything, what idea or passion could you potentially monetize? (That’s fancy talk for starting your own business venture.)

Now what?

If you still haven’t had that eureka moment, do a little soul searching and dig a little deeper.  It might be helpful to explore setting time aside with a trusted manager, mentor, recruiter, or career coach.  Are there other careers or businesses you are seriously considering? If so, interviewing folks that currently hold those positions can be very enlightening.

Regardless of your situation, consider your financial, geographic, and lifestyle needs. They will have an impact on your decision, as well as, potentially affecting the people you care about in your life. Nailing down what you are willing to compromise and identifying your non-negotiables can be very helpful as well.  Once you have the information and introspection you need, all that is left is for you make a few decisions.  That might be the hardest part. It takes a bit of courage and a willingness to put yourself out there. But the rewards are worth it!



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