DSC03192As I sit and reflect on my 55th birthday this week, it seemed fitting to share life lessons learned (and in some cases still learning) along the way. For those of you who may dread getting older, I want to say that at 55 and counting, life just keeps getting better.  I have my health and vitality and would even argue that I’m in the best shape of my life. My purpose and vision are stronger and clearer.  And my wisdom is greater than ever before. Life is good. No, life is great! Bring on the next 55!

  1. Be true to yourself.
  2. Seek joy every day…even when crap happens.
  3. Take time to be grateful for what you have (it beats the heck out of lamenting what you don’t have).
  4. When unsure, always follow your heart over your mind. The mind has a miraculous way of catching up.
  5. Don’t hold back…dream big dreams, act with courage and live without regrets.
  6. Let go of worry, fear and negative emotions. They will only hold you back.
  7. Treat each day as a gift that you can’t wait to open. Bring child-like wonder and excitement to what awaits you.
  8. Live in the moment. The past is gone and the future will unfold as it should. You are only guaranteed right now to be all that you yearn to be.
  9. Celebrate and appreciate your gifts. You have many. Share them with passion. They are yours to give. Don’t deprive the rest of us.
  10.  Treat your body like a temple (not a junkyard).
  11. Let go of thoughts, feelings and habits that don’t serve you. Make choices that move you forward.
  12. Make yourself vulnerable in love. It’s the only way to be truly open to all the possibilities. And yes, you will feel the pain (at times), but better to feel the pain than nothing at all.
  13. Take risks. Without risks, you don’t grow and without growth, you cease to feel alive!
  14. Don’t try to fix anyone else…there’s enough to work on with the person in the mirror.
  15. Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.
  16. Have wild, uninhibited, heart-pumping, passionate sex regularly. (If it lasts less than 20 minutes, it’s just foreplay).
  17. Listen to the nudges and thoughts that come to you over and over. This is your intuition. You are being guided; don’t resist.
  18. Spend time outside everyday…walk in the woods or around the block. Let the sand squish between your toes and the grass blades tickle your feet.
  19. Dance and sing with reckless abandon (even if it’s behind closed doors).
  20. Find ways to develop, explore and use your creativity. Let it out!
  21. Be comfortable in your own skin…it won’t fit on anyone else (nor should it).
  22. Surround yourself with people who make you feel better…people that support and lift you up. Likewise, let go of those who do not have your back.
  23.  Don’t let someone’s bad day impact yours.
  24. Learn from your mistakes…you’ll make plenty of them.
  25. True friends are the gems of life. Polish them often.
  26. Smile.
  27. Be at peace with where you are and how you got here. It’s all part of your journey.
  28. Be kind to others (and yourself).
  29. Be open, tolerant and respectful of people who aren’t like you. Don’t let the fact that you are more like them than you want to admit scare you. We are all children of the same universe.
  30. Be the kind of person that would make your Mom proud.
  31. Don’t settle for good enough. Don’t settle for ordinary…you are worth so much more.
  32. Do epic shit!
  33. Take time to be present and mindful. Meditate. Nurture your soul.
  34. Don’t hold onto disappointment, anger, jealousy or resentment. They aren’t very becoming. And truth be known…they cause wrinkles and constipation.
  35. Focus on the things that really matter. And realize that most things don’t!
  36. Be a good steward of the planet. It’s the only one we’ve got.
  37. Eat less meat and more fruits and veggies.
  38. Travel. See and embrace this big, wonderful world. Enjoy the adventure. It will change and expand you and your vision.
  39. Do something that makes you uncomfortable at least once a day.
  40. Be better, not bitter.
  41. Let Karma be someone else’s bitch.
  42. Do something that makes you feel sexy.
  43. Surprise someone…do something nice with no expectations.
  44. Simplify…more stuff isn’t the road to happiness.
  45. Don’t let things go unsaid that should be shared. But hold your tongue if your intent is to hurt.
  46. Believe in magic and embrace the everyday magical moments.
  47. Watch less TV. Read more.
  48. Exercise your brain and your body every day…otherwise they’ll get all gunked up.
  49. Send thank you notes.
  50. Recognize that your words and actions are powerful; use them to raise others up.
  51. Take the road less traveled. The views are spectacular, the journey is exciting and you may get to skinny-dip.
  52. Play often. Laugh loudly. Giggle more.
  53. Be humble. Let go of ego. Despite your knowledge, skills, experience and abilities…you are just a tiny piece of an amazing puzzle. Recognize that you are important, but no more so than the countless other pieces that surround you.
  54. Be the type of friend that people seek, the lover your partner craves and the hero your child wants to grow up to be.
  55. You won’t arrive. It’s an endless search. So soak it all in, learn as you go and revel in the journey.


56. Don’t diminish or ignore the immensity that is in you. Softly, calmly it taps at your life. Claim it.

57. People are watching. Inspire others by your actions. You never know the ripple effect you are creating.

58. Eat more ice cream. Jump in more puddles. And color outside the lines!


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