We are bombarded with the hype over New Year’s Resolutions this time of year. And most of us will go through the motions with the understanding that once again, we will lose focus, feel like a loser and repeat the process all over again next year. It’s the perfect definition of “insanity,” right? (i.e. to do something over and over and expect a different result.)

So what if you could keep it simple and use a few proven techniques to accomplish your most important goals this year? If you want a sure-fire way to knock out your biggest goals, follow these five easy steps.


  1. Get a couple of 3 x 5 cards. On each card, WRITE out one of your most important goals.
  2. Make sure your goals are SMARTY. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistically High, Time-Bound, and Yours)
  3. Put the 3 x 5 card where you will see it so you can read and REPEAT it at least 3 times per day.
  4. When you read your cards, ask yourself a simple question, “What is one thing I can do TODAY to get closer to my goal?”
  5. Take ACTION. It likely will be a baby step….but 365 baby steps will yield big results.

So before you dismiss this simple exercise, let me explain why each of these steps is exactly what you need. (You see, there actually is a method to my madness.) Let’s review step-by-step:

  1. Research indicates that writing out your goals is an important component of achieving them. Writing helps you clarify what you want and further cements it as important in both your conscious and subconscious minds.
  2. By turning a goal into the SMARTY format, you further clarify and shape it. In other words, you give it some teeth and it shifts in your mind from being this nebulous “nice-to-do” thing to an intentional and important goal.
  3. Placing your goals on a 3 x 5 card and then reading it at least 3 times per day is what gives your goal staying power. Unlike a typical resolution that is out-of-sight, out-of-mind, your index card goal is a daily reminder of what you want to accomplish. Reading (preferably out loud) and repeating it further reinforces your commitment.
  4. Your brain is wired to solve problems and so this step plays into your natural strengths. By asking the question (What is one thing I can do today to get closer to my goal?), you let your brain focus on coming up with the solution. Further, by focusing on what you can do today (or this week), you keep it all very manageable. The big goal no longer feels overwhelming or unattainable.
  5. Of course, the key to any goal achievement is ACTION and this is where most New Year’s Resolutions fall apart. By taking daily (or weekly) steps, you will see progress. Even incremental progress will create positive momentum and make you feel more invigorated, in control and motivated to keep charging ahead.


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