Last week, I gave you a different way to visualize your future goals by focusing on the process of getting to that lofty goal rather than solely focusing on achieving it.  At the end of that process, you should have successfully teased out 3-5 milestones. This week, you’ll learn how to make this stuff happen by going from that Vision Plan to a systemized Action Plan or Action Path as we like to call it.

Don’t Try To Eat The Whole Cow All At Once

Start with the Milestone that is the easiest for you to wrap your head around. Let’s use last week’s example of getting that college degree after a 15-year hiatus.  One of the milestones for that goal might be getting an 80K loan. That alone would make a lot of us run and hide.  But fear not; here comes the 8-step Action Path System to the rescue:

1. Ask yourself some questions! Break that milestone up into the steps needed by answering the Who, What, When, Why and How. Again, visualize the process of getting to your milestone. (Don’t forget to write this stuff down!)

2. Stones to steps! Again, tease out the five or so smaller steps; these are called Stepping Stones.  They would include things like meeting with a bank loan officer, tracking your household income and spending, deciding whether you need a part time job, etc.

3. Get SMARTY! Break each Stepping Stone into a SMARTY Goal (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistically-High, Time Bound and Yours)

It’s A Solar System, Not A Solar Plan

Your thinking, “I’m done” right? No, not quite. You have a plan but no system. The planets and sun just don’t sit there – they move. They are kept in motion by a whole system of pulls and pushes that keeps everything in a delicate balance. So we have to create a system of pushes, pulls and balance for you.

4. Get fired up! Go back to your original lofty goal and write down all of the benefits of achieving that degree so you can reconnect to that burning desire.  (i.e. get higher pay, satisfaction and pride, a potential teaching position, weekends off, etc. (I mentioned this in Step 1 of last week’s article.)

5. Challenge your thinking! Now focus on your smaller stepping stone goals and answer these questions:

What could be potential obstacles and challenges to my SMARTY goals?

What are my solutions and resources?

6. Create new habits! Think deeply about how to implement your solutions and address your challenges head on.

What are the new habits I have to create to make this SMARTY goal happen?

What are my greatest willpower challenges to sticking to these habits? (I will do…, I won’t do…)

7. Get some help!  An accountability partner is a person you can choose to keep you on track.  This is someone you trust, is your biggest fan, and is someone who will hold you to task. This person can enhance performance if they hold your feet to the fire.  Note: It’s important to share your plan and their part in it, with someone ONLY after you have mostly fleshed it out.

8. Reward yourself!  Think of a tangible reward you will give yourself for hitting each stepping stone, milestone, and of course the lofty goal itself. For some of us, hitting the goal is a reward in itself.  For others, something we can touch, feel and sense is a bigger carrot of motivation.

Just Do It

Now that you have your Action Path System, you are ready to conquer the world. Take EACH of your 3-5 Milestones and run them through the Action Path System. With the right attitude, a commitment to the system, and focus on your process you will most certainly hit your goals every time.

For those of you who want to take control and master your own life, here are the three books that are a must-read and can really help you dive deeper: The Power of Habit, The Willpower Instinct and 59 Seconds.





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