DSCN3373‘Tis the season when our attention shifts to New Year’s resolutions and annual goals. Seems like some people love them, while others are less than enthusiastic. And it seems like the two camps are firmly entrenched, so I don’t think my opinion in a blog post is likely to make converts. So instead, let me share something else you can do in 20 minutes that will set the stage for an amazing year.

It’s simple. You just need to fill in the blanks to the following 10 items to help give you clarity, focus and resolve for the next 12 months. I call this list my “Top Ten List For Bliss.”

1. My word for 2014 is ____________________.

2. My emotion for 2014 is ____________________.

3. My focus for 2014 is ____________________.

4. My strength to leverage for 2014 is ____________________.

5. My “old” thing to continue in 2014 is ____________________.

6. My “new” thing to start in 2014 is ____________________.

7. The relationship I will nurture in 2014 is ____________________.

8. My bucket list item to check off in 2014 is ____________________.

9. My gift to myself in 2014 is ____________________.

10. My biggest challenge to work on in 2014 is ____________________.

In case you would like some clarity on any of the above, let me share with you what I came up with for me and how I plan to use my list in the coming year.

1.    My word for 2014 is “limitless.” I wanted a word that would inspire me to be my best self. You can pick any word that resonates with you. It can be inspirational like mine, or perhaps you want one that is practical, one that gives you focus or one that taps into an important direction for future growth or development.

While I like the simplicity of a single word, you can also use a quote that will inspire you when one word just isn’t enough.

2.    My emotion for 2014 is “gratitude.” I chose gratitude because it embraces the heart which is free of rationalization and justification.  It is a reminder to me that I have so much to be grateful for and if I bring a feeling of gratitude with me in all that I do, I will not only be more present in the moment, I will also recognize and embrace the beauty and joy in everyday situations.

3. My focus for 2014 is “to double my business growth/revenue on my terms.” My plan is to double my revenue in 2014, but to do so without doubling my effort. That’s where “on my terms” comes from. I have mastered the life-balance thing. And perhaps I’ve gone overboard. In the past two years, I’ve taken about 5-6 months of time off. It’s been purposeful and wonderful to have so much free time. But one of the primary reasons I moved back to Virginia was for some incredible business opportunities. I want to leverage those and use my time to really make some big jumps in productivity and revenue. I have a plan and know exactly what I need to do so I can reach my revenue goals and still enjoy the lifestyle that’s important to me.

4.    My strength to leverage in 2014 is “creativity.” I’m a big fan of Marcus Buckingham. His professional work has been focused on the research behind what makes people happy and successful. One of the main tenets from his research is that we feel more fulfilled when we are able to use our strengths. In other words, if we are doing work where we feel like we are leveraging our best talents, we not only do a great job but we derive immense satisfaction. So what is one of your strengths that you want to use more of in 2014?

5.    My “old” thing to continue in 2014 is “eating, training and preparing for optimal performance.” Choose something here that you want to continue doing. This is something that has worked for you in the past and you want to continue to enhance. I have spent the past couple of years studying and practicing ways to be healthier, fitter and more effective. My diet has shifted dramatically to a more plant-based diet. While fueling and training my body and mind are critical for my performance as an Ironman triathlete and coach, I have found that it impacts my performance in all areas of my life. For example, my business success is contingent on optimal performance strategies and having the mental energy and strength to conquer the obstacles that lie in my path.

6.    My “new” thing to start in 2014 is “to build my real estate empire.” I’ve been studying and learning the do’s and don’ts of real estate investment and I’m in the process of putting together my dream team. For me, real estate investments are a key to my future financial stability and part of my retirement planning, so I’m very excited to get started. What are you excited to start in the coming year?

7.    The relationship I will nurture in 2014 is with “my mom.” Do you have a relationship that you want to give extra time and attention to? It could be your spouse, significant other, child, friend or anyone else. For me, the relationship I plan to nurture with extra care in 2014 is with my mom.  My mom is 82 years old. While we have a standing date every Sunday night for dinner and we talk a few times a week; my focus is to do more. With aging parents, you recognize that your time together is precious. So I have big plans and a few trips up my sleeve to make this year with my mom one to cherish and remember.

8.    My gift to myself in 2014 is “quiet time to read.”I love to read. A friend says I have a “hungry brain” and I do. And while I read now, I am making a bigger and more intentional commitment to reading more in 2014. What do you want to give yourself? It can be a materialistic thing like a ‘bike’ or something a bit more esoteric like ‘unconditional love.’ Think about what you want and what you deserve. What is a gift you can give yourself that you would like to remind yourself of throughout the coming year.

9.    My bucket list item to check off in 2014 is “Antelope Canyon.” This one may be a bit challenging if you don’t already have a bucket list. Regardless of whether you have a list already or not, think of something that you want to do, see, experience or become in 2014 that will fill you with wonder, energy, excitement or gratitude.

10. The one thing I’ll stop doing in 2014 is “judging others.” 

Another way to look at this one is what is a big challenge or obstacle to my happiness or success. Or in my case, what’s something I can do that helps me live with more love and understanding. I have done some reflection on what I do that doesn’t enhance my life in a positive way. One of the things I do is I make judgments of others. I assume because someone looks or acts in a certain way, they are either worthy or not worthy of my time, consideration or empathy. This one is clearly one to nourish my soul and my spirit and let go of ego.

So here’s my plan:

I have compiled my 10 things on a single sheet of paper. It’s fascinating to me, if you just fill out these 10 things, you will be amazed at where you are at this time next year. The clarity you get from thinking through and writing things down activates both your conscious and subconscious mind. And you will find yourself doing many of the things without a lot of conscious effort or planning. That alone makes this exercise well worth the 20 minutes it will take to complete.

But to take it to the next level, here’s what I do. I look at the items carefully and consider “how” I can make these things a reality. I will look at my list each week to keep the items front and center throughout the year. Some items will take more planning and effort. For example, my number 3 (double my business) and number 6 (build my real estate empire) items are big things to tackle. I will create comprehensive goal achievement plans for those items. I translate my action items from my plans to a Weekly Happiness Sheet. And each week, I have key items that I know need my attention to stay on task. My “Top 10 List For Bliss” are also written on my Weekly Happiness Sheet* so that those items stay in front of me at all times.

* I used to call this my Weekly Focus Sheet. But then it occurred to me that while it was descriptive, it sounded a bit too much like “work.” I also realized that everything I’m working on, whether it’s business or personal are things that I “want” to do. They will ultimately get me closer to my dreams and desires. In other words, they will make me “happy.” Somehow, working on my “Weekly Happiness Sheet” just makes me smile a bit more throughout my day and gets me more excited to check things off of my list. On a side note, the items that make my “Weekly Happiness Sheet” are those critical items that support my goals and my bliss. It does not include all the miscellaneous daily to-do items that are less important but necessary. I like to separate the things on my “Weekly Happiness Sheet” so I have a quick way of staying focused on what really matters.

While the 10 things on my “Top 10 List For Bliss” will give me focus (and happiness), it will also help me live my purpose for 2014. Of course, there is more that I will throw in the mix throughout the year. And that’s ok. This is not a comprehensive list for me. I am a recovering over-achiever and I’m good with that. I have a Growth Plan, other goals and a list of other items from my Life Wheel Planning that will get my attention in the coming year as well. And certainly there are items that are not on my radar now that will present themselves throughout the year as opportunities and gifts to explore. Those items will also be incorporated in my Weekly Happiness Sheets as needed.

Happy New Year! Wishing you a year filled with “bliss.”




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