Time Management

27Feb 2013

Being rushed sucks! About 3 weeks ago, I had back-to-back meetings all day long and probably put a total of 225 miles on my car. The day started perfectly planned with breaks and the appropriate travel time built in.  As with some perfectly laid plans, and despite my best intentions, eventually the whole day blew […]

16Jan 2013

Time tar pits…what’s that? I was working with a client a few days ago and I was introducing the concept of a “time trap.” It dawned on me that a tar pit was the best way to describe what these things can do your productivity. There you are minding your own business, taking a leisurely […]

12Dec 2012

Getting distracted is all part of living in this great modern world of ours. We either distract ourselves or we allow ourselves to get distracted. Think about it – smartphones, facebook, texting, even Angry Birds get us off track…HELLLLPPPP!  In the simple words of the wise Mr. Miyagi most of us “Need More Focus!”  Here […]