Action and Accountability

13Sep 2016

It’s football season, and as every winning coach will tell you: If you want to win on the field, you’ve got to master the basics, which means, you’ve got to repeatedly execute the tried-and-true actions that are fundamental to the success of the team and to your position. Once these become habits, and a routine […]

12Jan 2016

We all know that there are things we can do everyday to be performing better. Sometimes, however, it’s hard to do them. Here are five random thoughts and what you can do to make big changes this year. Thought #1  Modern-day distractions can keep us from really connecting with each other. We are losing the […]

29Oct 2014

Last week, I discussed how staying in your comfort zone for an extended period of time is a sure-fire way to stagnate, both personally and professionally. I identified speaking engagements as a perfect vehicle for branching out because it boosts personal confidence and establishes you (within the business community) as a person of expertise in […]

01Oct 2014

At one of my recent speaking engagements on time-saving strategies, I found myself (ironically) spending WAY too much time offering every possible tip, technique, strategy, and system known to man, when an audience member thankfully interrupted me with a question that cut to the chase: “Chris, what are the top 5 strategies YOU employ on a regular basis […]

04Feb 2014

If there was a magic vitamin out there that could help you focus, push you harder, and even cause you to feel better about yourself overall- would you take it? Heck, yeah! Well, there IS such a vitamin and it’s out there for the taking, and yet, most people suffering from sub-par performance won’t go […]

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