ROG-FocusPossibleAccording to a recent survey, 66% of adult Americans claim they don’t have enough time. It’s a staggering statistic when you stop to think about it. Are you among the majority of folks who are feeling overwhelmed or rushed to get it all done? Here are 10 quick fixes to help you get through your work day feeling more productive and less stressed.

  1. Make your list of what has to get done today. And prioritize it. Stick to working only on tasks that are on your list.
  2. Once you start on something from your list, stay focused on it until it’s complete.
  3. Clean off your workspace (at least get your piles out of sight) so you are not distracted or overwhelmed by all of the stuff that needs to get done. Only pull out the files or work that is related to the project at hand so your focus is where it needs to be.
  4. Ask for help. If you’re stuck, reach out to your boss or a colleague. You don’t have to figure it out all by yourself.
  5. Focus in blocks of 50 minutes to an hour. That’s about all most of us can take before needing a break.
  6. At the end of your 50-minute focus time, take a 5-minute stretch break. Get up, walk around and take a few deep breaths. You’ll feel more energized and ready to repeat the process.
  7. Only check your email three times during the day. Space it out – one in the morning (preferably mid-morning), after lunch and the end of the day.
  8. If you’re a social media or information junkie, curb your addiction. Use the same strategy as your emails. Limit yourself to a few times a day (while in work mode) and keep it short. Perhaps a 10-minute rule would be a good place to start. Same goes with personal texting.
  9. If you start to get distracted, use a mantra or trigger phrase to get you back on track. Repeat something like, “Back to work!” or “Get it done!” as often as necessary.
  10. Stop reading this and get back to work! You can do it.


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